daisy poems Poems


virus is…

a faint red line

a road for a heart to sink into its valley

the language of close quarters

talking shit all day long

lies, breeding lies and half-truths

spiky, sticky, cloying cells

swiping left or right

proving nothing, nothing to lose

breath, breaking on a window shore

disarticulated = parts removed

the dark side of the sun

letting you into the room, on mute

foxglove, dandelion and weed

Frankenstein’s monster, escaping onto the ice

Odysseus, just trying to get home

a genetic wound passed down

an island of disappearances

grief, the hard part of love

burning the witch and the witchfinder general

renting your body out on AirBnB

yawning and laughing

keeping the light on for those who weep fire

stealthy as cancer

a primal poet