daisy poems Poems


Qixi: the legend of the cowherd and the weaver girl 

牛郎 Niúláng /nyoh-lung/ ‘ox youth’

织女 Zhínǚ /jrr-nyoo/ ‘weaving girl’ or ‘Vega’

An oxherd Niulang with the help of his ox (the demoted cattle god) married a fairy, Zhinü, who became a weaver girl. Zhinü’s mother, a goddess, returned Zhinü to heaven. Niulang pursued using the ox’s hide. The goddess separated them by a river of stars (the Milky Way), but magpies were allowed to form a bridge for them to meet once a year (Qixi).

Qixi: Chinese Valentine’s Day.

some ‘traditional customs’ are disappearing, or no longer observed. 

1. women showing skills (demonstrating dexterity) 

speedily thread a needle under moonlight. 

2. worshipping the weaver fairy star 

young women sit around the table, displaying their needlework, praying for a good husband and a happy life.