daisy poems Poems you're on mute

like a dream, anything can happen

Dorothea Tanning:

‘Like a dream, anything can happen. You might be confronted by your worst fears or greatest joys but you are awake… so you must be vigilant.’

you could find yourself rescuing tiger growls from a burning building

you can spot the cancer that killed the people you love 

you can be vulnerable at a hat drop without picking up shards of broken glass with your tongue

you can open a door on a red-carpeted corridor and tell dad you love him anytime you feel like rainbows

you can lay your needs out on the landing like gathered seashells and announce them as tangible things, invite people to pick them up gently and run their fingers along their smooth edges

you can get back in your time machine and choose the very things you weren’t allowed to, the ones snatched from your clenched jaws – a caged beast no more

just know that anything that can be dreamt can be imagined, and anything that can be imagined can be begun, you can become the dream that is life