
fifty shades of grey (banana)

book review
You know how bananas are these days? You buy a bunch. You can wait.

So you leave it, hopeful, for a day on the windowsill to ripen and soften.
But, when you come to unpeel it, there is just a squishy mess — no banana
to speak of. It stinks and it’s hard to swallow. Anyway.

I thought a book could ripen on life’s windowsill if left for a while.
I can’t get past the first chapter, you see.

So, I started to think about other things I had to do rather than read the book,
like scrubbing the underside of my bathroom tap.

I finished cleaning under the tap and felt that I hadn’t given the book a chance.
This was not fair.

So, I went back and read all the way to Chapter Nine – all at once. Without breathing.

“I bit my lip.”
“Holy crap.” I felt an attraction to the story,

But then, distraction wandered in.

I prematurely evacuated the story to find something else to do – again.
I checked if underneath my coffee table was as dusty as the top. It wasn’t.
It was as good a time as any to clean the coffee table
and some other surfaces. Perhaps the bin needed emptying.

No, the bin does not need emptying.

Perhaps this banana will ripen and I will soften.

update: stuck at Chapter Nine, all is grey and squishy.
book review poem