
metastasis metamorphosis

In a sterile metal room,
bursting with stagnant death
(a storm with nowhere to go but skyward),
I found your most extreme light of beauty
and the fully formed emergence of love for you.
To repeat this again would surely kill me too. What do I do?
with this information but to tell them about it?
like a story? a song? or like poetry?

[quote] Keep love and light just under
the surface of cells and beneath
the slight membrane of the heart —
it will grow forth conspicuously
from those nightmarish cocoons
that life concocts around your face.
Use it quick and ready, like breath.
Don’t fumble search, elbow deep, for it
like a story, a song, or like poetry, [/quote]

Love will come back to you from just beyond
the surface of the sky, extreme and fully formed, full of life.